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High-Tech Facility International Forum 2023

Theme: To Apply AI for Effectively Implementing ESG of a High Tech Fab

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With increasing attention and demand for global climate change and corporate social responsibility, especially after the disruption caused by COVID-19 to the industry, the high-tech industry needs to prioritize and focus on the ESG (environmental, social, and governance) issues of sustainable development. The application of artificial intelligence (AI) technology to enhance the effectiveness of implementing ESG for high-tech facility infrastructure has become a crucial topic.


The theme of the coming international forum is "To Apply AI for Effectively Implementing ESG of a High Tech Fab." The keynote speech will have in-depth explorations on Taiwan Net Zero: A Science and Technology Approach. Besides, Energy saving and carbon reduction, water & power resource management, waste recycling, Corporate Governance, intelligent fab, facility environmental protection and safety, Strategies for Cyber Security and Disinformation, etc. will be the main topics too.


If you are interested in the aforementioned subjects, you are most welcome to register and actively participate in the forum. Thank you for your engagement.

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