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主辦單位 :  SEMI 國際半導體產業協會 、IESA印度電子與半導體協會 ​支持單位 : AITA台灣人工智慧晶片聯盟、Hi-CHIP異質整合系統級封裝開發聯盟、HTFA台灣高科技廠房設施協會、TAMI臺灣機械工業同業公會、TEEMA台灣區電機電子工業同業公會、TMBA台灣工具機暨零組件工業同業公會

The High-Tech Factory Facilities Association Japan Visit


The Taiwan High-Tech Factory Facilities Association (HTFA) is organizing a visit to


Japan, primarily focusing on visiting the research and development centers,


innovation centers of renowned Japanese universities, and spin-off companies


from these universities. The visit will also include a tour of Manufacturing World Japan.


  1. Introduce HTFA to the Japanese academic and business sectors to enhance the association's international influence and recognition.

  2. Connect the association and its members with Japanese academia and businesses, establishing a platform for exchange and cooperation to create potential business opportunities (such as collaborative R&D on new technologies or the introduction of new technologies).

  3. Visit Manufacturing World Tokyo to broaden members' horizons and acquire new knowledge.

  4. Familiarize the Japanese academic and industrial sectors with the needs and capabilities of Taiwan's high-tech industry, promoting exchanges in technology and talent between both sides.

Rm 310, No. 88, Zhuangjing 1st Road, Zhubei City, Hsinchu County, Taiwan

Copyright Taiwan High-Tech  Facility Association. All rights reserved

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