Time: Thursday, Sept. 15, 2022
Venue: Skylight Convention Center, 7F ,TaiNEX2
Digital Transformation for High-Tech Facilities
高 科 技 廠 房 數 位 轉 型
Taiwan High-Tech Facility International Forum 2022
Theme: Digital Transformation for High-Tech Facilities
Time: Thursday, Sept. 15, 2022
Venue: Rm. EF, Skylight Convention Center, 7F ,TaiNEX2
Organizer: Taiwan High-Tech Facility Association
Co-Organizer: NTU College of Engineering, Yen Tjing Ling Industrial Research Institute
NTU Civil Engineering Department High-Tech Facility Research Center
NTU Sustainable Development and Technology Industry Division of WCDR Center
President: Scott Lin / Honorary President: Chin-Yung Shu, Arthur Chuang
Executive Directors: S.J. Shu, Eddy Hung, Gina Shaw, Leo Wang
Executive Supervisors: Fortran Lin
About the Forum
Digital transformation is the adoption of digital technology by an organization and also is "a process that aims to improve an entity by triggering significant changes to its properties through combinations of information, computing, communication, and connectivity technologies." Common goals for its implementation are to improve efficiency, value, or innovation. (Partially excerpted from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_transformation)
Smart factory facilities combined with smart automation have become indispensable to High-Tech Facilities under the raging epidemic and the increasing progress of manufacturing processes. Therefore, this forum "Digital Transformation of High-tech Facilities" will have in-depth discussions on the Insight of the Opportunity for Digital Transformation, the Methodology of Digital Transformation of High Tech Fab Construction & Building, the Digitizing Business Practice of R&D Deployment, Technology Trending on Digital Transformation for Facility, Leverage AI and Big Data and other relevant topics.
You are most welcome to attend if you are concerned about the digital transformation of high-tech facilities.
Look Who's Attending This Event

VIP Banquet
Time: Thursday, Sept. 15, 2022
Venue: Rm. CD, Skylight Convention Center, 7F ,TaiNEX2

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